Tired and Hungry.

I'm tired. I'm tired of people hurting people. I'm tired of people killing people. I'm tired of gun violence. I'm tired of the conversation around gun violence. I'm tired of racism and sexism. I'm tired of homophobia and hate. I'm tired of Islamic Extremists. And I'm tired of unmerited anger towards Islam. I'm tired of war. I'm tired of bombs. I'm tired. I'm tired of Clinton. I'm tired of Bush. I'm really tired of Trump. I'm tired of an election that is still a year and a half away. I'm tired of pundits. I'm tired of politics. I'm tired of FoxNews. I'm tired of MSNBC. I'm tired of pretending I'm Democrat and I'm tired of pretending I'm Republican. I'm tired of pretending there's a party in these politics for me. I'm tired of the medical bills piling up on my counter. I'm tired of the allergies in my babies' bodies. I'm tired of worrying. I...