My children ask a lot of questions. A lot. They ask why . They ask where . They ask who . They ask when . They ask how come . And more than anything else they like to ask: What ?! What?! What?! Their favorite time to ask questions is when we’re on the road. Trapped in their car seats, my kids immediately become little detectives. With nothing to do but think about and look out at the world around them they become exceedingly inquisitive. They ask both simple and existential questions. They inquire about the mundane and the magnificent. They ask questions that are fun to answer, difficult to respond to and – admittedly – tricky as all get out to address. In fact, more often than not, on the ride home from school I am stumped and tripped up by the questions of my four and six year old daughters. I got to thinking about my kids and their questions when I read the gospel lesson assigned for Sunday. Jesus is on the road with his discip...